Hey there! I’m Darla Mae, and I’m glad you decided to visit me.

I have a deep connection with and love for all living things and want to see others learn the positive effects of nature on the mind, on the body, on the soul.

Full disclosure: I’m a nature nerd. I love walking in the woods or hiking in the mountains (not really nerdy, I know) or looking under rocks to find interesting life forms (maybe a little nerdy) or finding out what exactly the differences between lichen and moss are (there’s the nature nerd).

More about me: I’m a creative nature writer with a B.A. in English/Creative Writing from the University of Minnesota, I combined my writing habit with my passion for nature. Nature never runs out of things to learn and write about!

I’m also a Minnesota Master Naturalist. I am part of a community of nature-loving folks who work to help others learn the value of good stewardship of our natural environment. After I got certified and started working with the group, I was helping eradicate Siberian elm (invasive) from an area, so a pollinator field could be established. I heard two other naturalists discussing some fungi on a fallen tree, wondering what it might be called. I thought, “Good grief! I’ve found my nerd herd!”

Another thing I love about nature is its therapeutic effects. I am a certified EcoTherapeutic Nature Guide. (That’s a mouthful … nature therapy guide works!)

I worked with EcoNova Leadership to effect change and become familiar with the positive/therapeutic effects of nature. In my coursework, I learned the meaning of biophilia, the love of all living things. It’s safe to say I’m a biophiliac. I love the living (plants, animals, and yes, even humans!).

If you love nature, we already have a lot in common! Please stay awhile. Enjoy my blog & look around at some of the photos. Learn about live writing or how nature can teach a sense of wonder. If you like my writing, check out my book. It’s rich with nature exploration and lessons. (Gift for the nature lover in your life?)

I’m here to share my passion for nature. My heart is to encourage others to get outside and enjoy the natural environment and all it has to offer. Thanks for visiting. You’re welcome to stay as long as you like!

Nature is the best drug & offers FREE therapy.

Find your calm in the wild!